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Information Architecture Essentials

February 22, 09:00 - 17:15

Full-Day Workshop with Jorge Arango

More of our transactions and social interactions are moving online every day. People access these digital products and services using a growing variety of devices: notebook computers, mobile phones, wearables, voice-driven smart assistants, and more.

Good experience requires that these systems be coherent and understandable. As a result, information architecture (IA) is more important today than ever before.

In this fast-paced one-day workshop you will:

  • Understand the primary goals of information architecture
  • Explore how people find information and how IA helps that search effort
  • Learn about the use of conceptual modeling in IA
  • Master basic IA components: organization schemes, labeling systems, and navigation systems
  • Identify the communication skills essential to architecting in multi-disciplinary teams
  • Learn how UX designers communicate IA design concepts to other team members
  • Discover how to create architectures that can evolve over time



The workshop is divided into four parts:

  • Part 1 introduces information architecture
  • Part 2 covers conceptual modeling, which is foundational to good IA
  • Part 3 reviews the standard components used to implement information architectures
  • Part 4 describes essential skills one must master to actually do IA
  • Hands-on exercises give participants a direct practical understanding of key IA concepts.